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$3.90 SGD

Liu Kang. Artist and Model. 1954. Oil on canvas, 84 x 124 cm. Gift of Shell Companies in Singapore. Collection of National Gallery Singapore.

Artist and Model was done in a style that would come to typify Liu's paintings following his settlement in Singapore in 1945. In this work, Liu eliminated the use of shadow and perspectival depth. Instead, he emphasised clearly defined forms with thick outlines and solid colours. With the resultant work recalling the visual aesthetic of batik painting, it is not surprising to learn that Liu was experimenting with the technique of batik painting having been inspired by his artist friend Chuah Thean Teng (based in Penang, Malaysia) during the 1950s.Artist and Model, which depicts fellow artist Chen Wen Hsi sketching a woman during their trip to Indonesia.

Dimension: 148 x 100 mm